Our accommodations for mental health recovery supports accommodates up to three participants in a facility. Caring team of each facilities provide 24/7 recovery focused supports to participants through ongoing mental health assessment which enable participants to build their skills and reach their personal and NDIS goals. We always ensure that our facilities are close to bus station, shops, hospitals, health care facilities and emergency services. Our houses are accessible, purpose built with hard floorings, high ceilings, large doorways, accessible bathrooms, and located in area’s with breath-taking views.
Wellcare Australia aims to provide:
Person Centred and Recovery oriented service.
A safe and homely environment.
The participants’ own home experience;
Integrated support into the local community.
A non-institutional and non-clinical environment.
High standards of accommodation.
Promotion of participants independence.
Choice about the way services is delivered.
Maximisation of the resident’s privacy and dignity.